Cursed — may refer to: Curse, adversity thought to be inflicted by supernatural power Cursed (TV series), a 2000–2001 sitcom Cursed (House), a 2005 episode of the TV series House Cursed (2004 film), by Yoshihiro Hoshino Cursed (2005 film), by Wes Craven,… … Wikipedia
Cursed — Episodio de House Durante una reunión espiritista entre adolescentes, una ouija dice que uno de ellos morirá en el curso de un año. Cuando el niño enferma está seguro de que es la maldición … Wikipedia Español
Cursed — Curs ed (k?rs ?d), a. Deserving a curse; execrable; hateful; detestable; abominable. [1913 Webster] Let us fly this cursed place. Milton. [1913 Webster] This cursed quarrel be no more renewed. Dryden. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cursed — [kʉr′sid, kʉrst] adj. 1. under a curse 2. deserving to be cursed; specif., a) evil; wicked b) detestable; hateful [this cursed cold] 3. Archaic malevolent; quarrelsome: usually sp. curst … English World dictionary
cursed — [adj1] damned, doomed for bad ending accursed, bedeviled, blankety blank*, blasted, blessed, blighted, cast out, confounded, doggone*, excommunicate, execrable, fey, foredoomed, hell fire*, ill fated, infernal, snakebit*, star crossed, unholy,… … New thesaurus
cursed — index diabolic, odious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
cursed — accursed, damnable, *execrable Ana, Ant & Contrasted words: see those at ACCURSED … New Dictionary of Synonyms
cursed — [[t]kɜ͟ː(r)st[/t]] (The pronunciation [[t]kɜ͟ː(r)sɪd[/t]] is used for meaning 3.) 1) ADJ: v link ADJ with n If you are cursed with something, you are very unlucky in having it. Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names. 2) ADJ: usu v link… … English dictionary
Cursed — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. De l anglais Cursed qui signifie maudit. Cursed est un film japonais réalisé par Yoshihiro Hoshino, sorti en 2004 ; Cursed est un film américain… … Wikipédia en Français
cursed — curs|ed [ kɜrst ] adjective 1. ) affected in a negative way by a magic curse: They were starting to believe that the house was cursed. 2. ) / k3rsEd / only before noun INFORMAL OLD FASHIONED used for emphasizing that you think something is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English